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Showing posts from 2018

My 2018 Top 10 Lists From the Bottom of a Well

2018 gave us an overwhelming amount of pop-culture, all of which I missed because I was stuck at the bottom of a well for most of the year. Here are my favorite things in the bottom of this well! Rocks The one that looks like Mickey Rourke (pre-surgery)  The pebble the children threw at me Stephen King's The Rock I Used as A Pillow When I Slept Rocky McStoney (his parents named him that - not me!) Dwayne Johnson in HBO's Ballers The one that looks like Mickey Rourke (post-surgery) The grin-shaped rock that taunted me throughout my time at the bottom of the well, cackling as I called out for help, sneering as I attempted to climb out, and whispering discouraging things as I cried to the open skies The one that looks like Mickey Rourke (during surgery) Sorry to Bother You The Unknown Creature Skull I Thought Was a Rock At First But Definitely Wasn't Critters The worm that I found in my hair The Unknown Creature Skull I Thought Was a Rock At First But D...

Creating Creation: DIY Universe

Let me tell you something that might shock you: being omnipotent does not have to break the bank. In fact, having control over everything in existence can be both affordable and fun. Sure, it's possible to find cheap universes for sale, but I have found that store-bought are always collapsing in on themselves after only a few eons, and the ones I’ve ordered online always come bruised and with black holes. If you’re as big a fan of DIY projects as I am, this post will show you just a few simple steps to command your own homemade, infinite cosmos! Materials needed: Cosmic ™  Space A jar of time 2 AA or AAA batteries* Dimensions (anywhere between 3 and 10) Lemon (for scent) Free will* 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms (organic is preferable) 10 screws 1 reality *optional As is true with any DIY project , you’ll want to start out with a big enough surface when making your universe. ...

10 Pictures of Dogs That Will Make You Say "This Idiot Doesn't Know What Dogs Are"

Dogs: gotta love them, right? I can remember the first time I saw a dog, I said: "Wow, look at that dog, which I know is a dog because I know what dogs are!" While some dogs do some things, there are other dogs that do other things. But when it comes down to it, all dogs are one thing: and that thing is that they are all dogs. Here are some pictures of dogs: 1.) Clifford the Big Red Dog We've all heard of Clifford the big red dog, right? This is a picture of something big and red, therefore it is a dog. 2.) A dog and something else! I love it when dogs are in photos with other things! There are two things in this photo, one of which is not a dog, the other of which is a dog! 3.) More dog! Wow! Look all that dog! 4.) A dog doing what dogs do! Now that's a dog if I ever saw one! Which I have! 5.) Statistically, one of these has to be a dog. This is harder than I thought it would be. 5.) It's a dog eat dog world. Maybe a dog is hidi...

Both sides are to blame for the angry rhetoric within this cursed dwelling

It feels like things are broken. Things are broken, yes. But it doesn't have to be that way. In wake of recent horrific events, there has been a lot of negativity spewed back and forth between both  sides of the spectrum. Yet no matter how much anger thrown in the other direction, those we oppose never seem to relent. And why is that? Is it because we are incapable of changing our minds? Are we truly so stubborn that we cannot fathom the validity of another viewpoint? I don't know the answer to that. But I do know that both sides of this haunting debate are to blame for the rise in angry rhetoric. After the temperature in the house dropped drastically last week, Great Aunt Evelyn was quick to blame the spirit of the house's former resident for inflicting its current residents with bone-chilling terror. But what she refused to acknowledge was that the family failed to consider the spirit's wishes when they entered the house , seeking a fresh start. Her rhetori...

Summer Fun on a Budget

In case the several gallons of sweat drenching the inside of your astronaut costume hasn't told you yet, SUMMER IS HERE! For some that might mean several weeks of traveling, but for those of us who don't work for a pirate that pays us in treasure chests, we don't have a ton of time or gold coins to traverse the seas. If you fall in that category, like I do, this list will hopefully give you some valuable tips to enjoying your summer without breaking the bank. 1.) Discontinue the zero-tolerance illegal immigration policy. I don't know about you, but criminalizing people who try to get from one country to another is my least favorite thing about summer (or any season). Why not end this by getting rid of this discriminatory policy in the first place? Put on one of those old sundresses or some flip flops to look extra cute while doing it! 2.) Stop separating families at the border. Did you know that you can ride a roller coaster or go to a water park to hear scr...

My vacation!

I don't get to travel much, but when I do I never know the best way to share my journey. Twitter doesn't give you enough characters, and Facebook is too filled with political posts these days. Instagram banned me for direct messaging photos of my feet to celebrities, so I decided to share my adventures on my blog. I hope you enjoy! Have you ever seen anything so stunning? I haven't because my eyes melted. When I arrived I was immediately taken aback by the view! While I had heard that the scenery would blow me away, I didn't think that my skin would literally fall off of my bones! Found some unwelcome creatures where I stayed... I wish the hotel I stayed at had called an exterminator before I arrived... yuck! The facility was otherwise fine (though the pool of eternally burning fire could have been a little bigger), but I CANNOT stand finding critters where I sleep. I'm sure you wouldn't be able to sleep either if you had these guys crawling under your...

My coming out post

This is difficult. I’m not usually vulnerable on here, but I need to talk about something. After being in the closet for so long, it’s time for me to speak my truth. As a writer, this blog is the best place for me to do that. And I really appreciate YOU for reading this. Being in the closet is in no way a fun experience. When you have no one to talk to it’s easy to shut down, to get lost in your thoughts. For that reason, I have a lot of pent-up emotions... soI’ll try to not write too much! I feel like I’ve been in the closet forever. But when it really comes down to it, I’m the same person I was when I was trapped in there. “Trapped” might seem like a strong word, but I assure you, I do not use it  lightly. When I was in the closet, I truly felt that I would never get out - and that often led to despair. Despite all this, I have no regrets - because coming out has only made me stronger. I cannot write this post without thanking my support system: my friends and family. Thes...

5 tips for being an introvert and still leading an active social life

A lot of people think being an introvert means you are anti-social. You tell them that you’re an introvert, and they’ll say something like, “Oh, you must hate people,” or “Please don’t consume my blood!” While these comments are frustrating, it’s important to remember that being an introvert is nothing to be ashamed of - it just means you live a lifestyle that’s a little different from that of humans that still have beating hearts. As an introvert, you know that self care is important - so here are five tips to keep you functioning! Don't be afraid to say no! Here's something I wish I was told more when I was growing up: if someone asks you to hang out at a restaurant that has garlic or mirrors, YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO. Not everyone enjoys looking for their reflection, only to see the blank wall behind them, reminding you that you don't have a soul - and that's okay! Telling someone that you can't hang out doesn't make you heartless - the curse that trappe...