In case the several gallons of sweat drenching the inside of your astronaut costume hasn't told you yet, SUMMER IS HERE! For some that might mean several weeks of traveling, but for those of us who don't work for a pirate that pays us in treasure chests, we don't have a ton of time or gold coins to traverse the seas. If you fall in that category, like I do, this list will hopefully give you some valuable tips to enjoying your summer without breaking the bank.
1.) Discontinue the zero-tolerance illegal immigration policy.
I don't know about you, but criminalizing people who try to get from one country to another is my least favorite thing about summer (or any season). Why not end this by getting rid of this discriminatory policy in the first place? Put on one of those old sundresses or some flip flops to look extra cute while doing it!

2.) Stop separating families at the border.
Did you know that you can ride a roller coaster or go to a water park to hear screaming children, and in doing so you don't have to separate a single child from their parents? For a fraction of the cost of splitting up thousands of families, you can head to your favorite local park. It's cheap, fun, and won't traumatize countless children for the rest of their lives.

3.) Don't detain immigrants.
I love a good cookout, but I hate when I'm grilling up a burger and people whose only crimes were looking for a better life end up in prison indefinitely. There are two options: propane, or not using xenophobia to blame the most vulnerable people for all your problems. I prefer the latter, but that's just me!

4.) Abolish ICE.
I can never find tank tops that fit me. But I've found that Immigration and Customs Enforcement doesn't actually keep Americans safer, as it claims to, but discriminates against people from foreign countries. Some people I know prefer wearing muscle shirts, but I've found that the reason so many people in this country struggle isn't because of immigrants, but actually policies that benefit the richest Americans.

5.) End deportations.
Not everyone has the luxury of central air, and window units can get pretty expensive, but a common misconception is that immigrants commit more crimes than other groups of people. Some people use immigrants as scapegoats for the violence in our country, but I have found that just because an air conditioner is bigger, it doesn't mean that it's better. There are plenty of air conditioners on Craigslist, so you should NEVER deport someone just because they are in the country illegally.

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