Minnesota - "The 4 Millionth State"
Mississippi - "Land of That Letter That Looks Like A More Curvy 5"
North Carolina - "Northern South Carolina"
Connecticut - "The 24 Seasons 1-3 State"
Tennessee - "The Standing-on-Your-Head-is-Not-Gymnastics State"
Virginia - "Uncle Sam's Stash of Grown Up Magazines"
South Dakota - "The South and the Dakota"
California - "The Devil's Ashtray That His Son Made For Him In His Elementary School Art Class"
Louisiana - "We Thought We Had Until the End of the Week to Submit A Nickname"
Missouri - "The You-Show-Me-Yours-I-Show-You-Mine State"
Nebraska - "The Land of Grass and Rivers, of Copper Pots and Golden Plates; of Blinding Sun and Glowing Moon, This is My Home, My State. I Was Born Here, and I'll Die Here Too, It's My Guardian, My Master. I'll Never Love Another, Hear, My Dearest Sweet Michigan. I Mean Nebraska."
North Dakota - "2 South 2 Dakota"
Alaska - "Canada's Tumor"
Idaho - "The 24 Seasons 4-6 (Including 24: Redemption) State"
Utah - "The Land of Hamburger Buns But No Hamburgers"
Oregon - "The Twitter.Com/Not_Spam_ State"
Hawaii - "The 'You Up?' State"
Montana - "The Typo Stat"
Massachusetts - "The Bank of America State"
Texas - "The Easy There Big Fella' State"
Rhode Island - "The Land of 7,000,000 Used Dunkin Donuts Cups"
Illinois - "Benedict Arnold's Left Nipple is Buried Here Somewhere"
Florida - "The Sunshine (2007 Film) State"
New Jersey - "Ethay Igpay Atinlay Aitstay"
Arizona - "The 24 Seasons 7-9 (AKA 24: Live Another Day) State
Kansas - "THE HOW DO I TURN OFF THE CAPS LOCK Oh Never Mind State"
Iowa - "South Dakota: Tokyo Drift"
Ohio - "Colorado"
Wisconsin - "The 'Stop Calling Me, Kyle' State"
New Mexico - "The 'Stop Calling Me Kyle' State"
Georgia - "Birthplace of Betsy Ross's New Cyborg Body"
New York - "Nuyique Yew Nork"
Indiana - "South & Dakota"
Alabama - "Ich Werde Hier Warten, Bis Sie Zurückkehren, Große Führer"
South Carolina - "Southern Northern South Carolina"
West Virginia - "South Five"
Delaware - "The: Punctuation, State?"
Nevada - "The Pre-Chewed Bubblegum State"
Maine - "Paul Bunyan's Wart "
Vermont - "Paul Wort's Bunion"
New Hampshire - "Paul Blart's Warty Bunion"
Arkansas - "South & Dakota 6"
Maryland - "The Second Best Season of the Wire After the One With the Kids"
Colorado - "Ohio"
Michigan - "The Black Eyed Pea (Not The Band) State
New York - "Nuyique Yew Nork"
Indiana - "South & Dakota"
Alabama - "Ich Werde Hier Warten, Bis Sie Zurückkehren, Große Führer"
South Carolina - "Southern Northern South Carolina"
West Virginia - "South Five"
Delaware - "The: Punctuation, State?"
Nevada - "The Pre-Chewed Bubblegum State"
Maine - "Paul Bunyan's Wart "
Vermont - "Paul Wort's Bunion"
New Hampshire - "Paul Blart's Warty Bunion"
Arkansas - "South & Dakota 6"
Maryland - "The Second Best Season of the Wire After the One With the Kids"
Pennsylvania - "William Penn's Authentic Handmade Hats and Headpieces, Inc."
Wyoming - "Glenn"
Oklahoma - "The Accordion Player's Nightmare (Literally All the Good Ones Were Taken)"
Wyoming - "Glenn"
Oklahoma - "The Accordion Player's Nightmare (Literally All the Good Ones Were Taken)"
Colorado - "Ohio"
Michigan - "The Black Eyed Pea (Not The Band) State
Washington - "Dakota 7"
Kentucky - "The Second Largest State that Begins with Kent and Ends in Ucky"
Kentucky - "The Second Largest State that Begins with Kent and Ends in Ucky"
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