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Showing posts from December, 2016

My Top 10 Events of 2016

Here are some of the good things that happened this year... what got number 1?? 10.)  Being on Ellen: Ellen was my housemate's hamster. I accidentally sat on her because I did not know she had gotten out of her cage and was hiding under our couch cushions. I have never killed anything that had a name, and it was a thrilling experience. I don't think I will kill anything with a name again, but I am glad I now know what it feels like to kill a hamster. 9.)  Getting a new job: I finally got a new, real job, at a company / organization in which I use my skills to provide a service / sell a product in a legitimate way. I am paying taxes at fair rate based on my income bracket. If anyone asks, I have a normal job and I am making money legally and ethically! 8.)  Finally figuring out that writing about popular topics can increase web traffic to my blog: Game Boy. The Secret Life of Pets Blue-Ray. iPhone 7. Hamilton soundtrack. Pokémon ...

Can you fill this out without lying?

I'll do my best! Haha 1. What was the last thing you put in your mouth? Glass 2. Where was your profile picture taken?  In an alternate reality where World War II never happened but also GoGurt was never invented 3. Do you play Pokemon Go?  Not anymore. I stopped playing because my Pokémons became self aware and started showing me their private parts 4. Name someone who made you laugh today? Lee Harvey Oswald 5. How late did you stay up last night?  Until blood began spilling from the moon 6. If you could move somewhere else, where would it be? On top of a yak 7. Ever been kissed under fireworks?  Only by shadows 8. Who is your most observant friend? Spuzzy Carmichael, concierge at the Seduct Inn. He sees it all! 9.Do you believe ex's can be friends? All my exes live in another realm where they do not have the capability of connecting to humans or understanding the concept of "friendship" 10. How do you feel ...