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Showing posts from June, 2018

My vacation!

I don't get to travel much, but when I do I never know the best way to share my journey. Twitter doesn't give you enough characters, and Facebook is too filled with political posts these days. Instagram banned me for direct messaging photos of my feet to celebrities, so I decided to share my adventures on my blog. I hope you enjoy! Have you ever seen anything so stunning? I haven't because my eyes melted. When I arrived I was immediately taken aback by the view! While I had heard that the scenery would blow me away, I didn't think that my skin would literally fall off of my bones! Found some unwelcome creatures where I stayed... I wish the hotel I stayed at had called an exterminator before I arrived... yuck! The facility was otherwise fine (though the pool of eternally burning fire could have been a little bigger), but I CANNOT stand finding critters where I sleep. I'm sure you wouldn't be able to sleep either if you had these guys crawling under your...