There is no denying that the breathable air situation on this planet is in shambles. Oxygen mask prices are skyrocketing, leaving many without breathing devices altogether. Unless someone is old enough to qualify for a giant air dome completely covering their abode, oxygen costs are through the roof... literally. All that being said, many politicians on the left have been pushing for Oxygen for All, which - while good intentioned - could spell disaster for the party once they get to the general election. One statistic that candidates pushing for this plan seem to miss is that 70% of voters actually like their oxygen tank providers. Giving everyone the ability to breathe outside is not a winning message. It would be a mistake for the candidates to keep insisting that they will take away the heavy oxygen tanks that voters have grown accustomed to. If breathable air was made available everywhere, then hundreds of thousands of people would lose the metal cannisters that most of...
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